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What's new in Cradl

Apr 10, 2024 - Slide out panel for model.

In the flows builder you can now get detailed information about the model and its dataset and trainings by clicking on the model card. In the slide out panel you may edit the model's field configuration, browse and make changes to your dataset and start and manage training jobs. We have also simplified the steps required to train your model, and you will be taken directly to the editing view for your documents when clicking the "Open Dataset" button.

Model Slide Out Setup

Feb 29, 2024 - Multiline input in Validator.

In the Validator form you may now use line breaks in regular string input fields. Pressing Shift + Enter inside a normal string input field will convert the field into a text area with line numbers for visual help. If the text in a document extends over multiple lines, adding line breaks to match the text will improve your models' accuracy.

Validator Multiline

Feb 5, 2024 - Improving the visuals for flow runs.

You can now get an overview on how far your documents have progressed in your flow. The new view makes it easier to track and debug flows.

Validator Flows

Other changes:

  • The PDF viewer scrolls to the page where the prediction is found when focusing on a field.
  • Squashed bugs related to confidence for line items predictions not showing in the validator view.